Thursday, July 26, 2012

Living on my Own

In case you're interested in my humble abode, here's a picture of my apartment complex. I live in one of the far-back buildings, and my room faces a forest. It's nice to be a bit outside of the city, and I'm not too far away from the water, either.

My home in Sweden

More than three weeks have gone by, and I think I'm getting used to living on my own. More specifically, I'm getting used to cooking on my own. I don't know how I made it to 22 without learning how to cook for myself for an extended period of time. But hey, this year is all about new experiences. Living by myself was a bit of an adjustment. It's not like college, where even though I had a single room, my friends were right down the hall. I've made acquaintances, but it's different. I'm getting used to having some days where, even if I go  go to a museum or take a tour, I don't really interact with anyone. It's actually quite liberating. I have a lot of time to just think, and I get to make all the decisions. When I arrived I knew no one, so I had to figure out a lot of basic things on my own, like the best way to use the public transportation or how to grocery shop for a week at a time or where to buy sheets or how best to spend my budget. I guess those are simple things, but I'm enjoying making plans on what to see and where to go while in Sweden. I feel really comfortable on my own here, which is good. Maybe that's because Stockholm is really safe, or maybe it's because I've traveled around Europe before. Maybe it's because it doesn't really get dark here until 11pm in the summer. In any case, this living-on-my-own is a great new experience for me. 

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