Monday, July 2, 2012

Diving In!

Hello everyone,

This will be my blog for the year as I travel around the world with the Knafel Traveling Fellowship. So if you want updates on what I'm doing, how I'm feeling, and general musings from me, be sure to check this blog. 

For those of you who don't know (but if you're reading this, I assume you do!): I recently graduated from Wellesley College, where I received the Susan Rappaport Knafel '52 Traveling Fellowship. The Knafel (pronounced Kuh-naf-l, rhymes with 'a raffle') is a traveling fellowship, meaning "The fellowship will fund a year of purposeful travel abroad to explore a particular interest" (Center for Work & Service website at Wellesley). The fellowship requires that I move every two months and that I do not return to the US for the entire twelve months. I first found out about the Knafel during my sophomore year in college, and as a girl with a love for travel, I couldn't imagine a more amazing opportunity. (Side-bar: If you're a Wellesley student reading this, I highly recommend that you consider applying for the Knafel!) I had been thinking about project ideas for quite a while, and last summer I decided the topic of my project would be scuba diving. I've been diving since I was 12 years old, and my favorite dives are wreck dives. I've always been intrigued by wrecks, and from this interest and a lot of research on wrecks and submerged ruins, I created my project.

I applied and received the Knafel for my project entitled "Underwater Heritage: Exploring the Protection and Promotion of Shipwrecks and Submerged Ruins." I will be spending the next 12 months in countries which all have amazing underwater heritage sites in the form of shipwrecks and submerged ruins. While in each country, I'll explore how communities are protecting and promoting their local underwater heritage. I want to discover the various ways the countries preserve these shipwrecks and submerged ruins, create accessibility for visitors, and promote them as heritage. I plan to interview experts associated with organizations that maintain, develop, and study these sites, including leaders in local maritime museums, historical societies and government programs. Through these interactions, I hope to learn a variety of perspectives and approaches to protecting and promoting underwater heritage. I will also dive at the sites in order to experience how each country has managed to create accessibility, portray the site's history and protect from destruction. 

So where will I be going? Here's my itinerary for the year:

July 2012-August 2012: Stockholm, Sweden

September 2012-October2012: Alexandria, Egypt

November 2012-December 2012: Bodrum, Turkey

January 2013-February 2013: Cape Town, South Africa

March 2013-April 2013: Townsville, Australia

May 2013-June 2013: Kingston, Jamaica

I am leaving tomorrow night for Stockholm. I'm really excited to start in Sweden, as it is a country which seems to be very proud of its maritime heritage. As I start meeting with people and diving at sites, I'll let you know what I learn!

Quite a few people have asked me if I have to write something in the end for the Knafel. The answer is no. The Knafel is not designed for a final product; rather, it allows someone to spend a year doing a project about which she feels passionate. The experience itself and my growth will be the product. However, I do plan to take notes and perhaps someday publish information on what I will have learned. And of course, I'll post some of my thoughts and analyses here on my blog. 

I plan to blog regularly, so throughout the year you can check here to see what I am doing.  If you happen to know anyone in any of the places to which I will be traveling, I would love get their contact information. Meeting local people would be wonderful, and it's always fun to be shown around by someone who knows a place well.  I'm also always interested in research suggestions, and I already have a list of books relating to my project that I can't wait to read. So feel free to email me or comment here. 

I should probably get back to packing now. One more night in NH until July 2013! 


1 comment:

  1. Kristine!!!
    I'm so excited for you! This sounds like such an amazing opportunity!
    I noticed that you'll be in Cape Town during their summertime-- you lucky girl! I'm here during winter and it's so incredible. I can't even imagine how fantastic it will be during the summer!
    I will definitely be following your blog! And if you want ideas on things to do outside of your undersea exploration (which should involve shark cage diving and surfing here in SA)you can check out my blog at
    Lots of love,
