Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Time to catch up on the blog!

Hello everyone!

If you're still checking this, thank you for bearing with me through the weeks and weeks of no posts. I sincerely apologize; it's a combination of having slow or no internet at some points and also just putting it off.I guess procrastination continues on after the college years!  I'm going to do my best to catch up over the next few weeks. These posts might not all be as detailed as those from Sweden, but I'll be sure to at least let you know what I've been up to, even if I include less analysis and fewer details.

So since my last real posts in the end of August, here's an overview of what I did: In September, I lived in Alexandria, Egypt. In October, I spent a few weeks diving in the Red Sea near Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt and then my mom came to visit and we traveled around Aswan, Luxor, and Cairo. In November, I lived in an adorable village called Bitez near Bodrum, Turkey. And in early December I flew to Istanbul. I'm now in Istanbul for a few weeks, and right now my dear friend Ana is visiting for a while. So that's the basic update. Now I'll start from back in September and catch you up on some of the highlights of my adventures (both project-related research and day-to-day experiences) this fall.  

Thanks for hanging in there through the lack of posts for a few months. I'll catch you up soon!


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