Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fort Qaitbay

Fort Qaitbay is a beautiful fort on the edge of the harbor of Alexandria. While it is mostly empty, the fort itself is very picturesque and has great views of the city. Also, most interestingly to me, the fort is built on the ruins of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

Alexandria, as seen from a window inside the fort

Fort Qaitbay

Fort Qaitbay

Courtyard of the fort

Side wall of the fort

Front of the fort

When I went there, a guard offered to show me around. While usually people who offer tours want you to pay them, he just wanted to practice his English. I got to see the uses of different rooms, some old cannons, and the secret exit to the sea. There actually is not much to see inside the fort, but the views of the ocean and of Alexandria were beautiful.   

Ceiling of a tower in fort



View of Alexandria (and harbor) 

View of Mediterranean 

Courtyard of fort

I also was able to walk along the wall of the fort, so I could see the whole harbor and some of the seaside part of the city.

View of Alexandria and its harbor 

View of Anfoushi neighborhood in Alexandria


Museum of Alexandria, as seen from upper wall of fort

I loved looking down on the water nearby and knowing that in a few days I would be diving down there to see some of the ruins of the lighthouse!

The water to the right is where there are ruins from
when the Lighthouse of Alexandria toppled over
during an earthquake. 


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