Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nobel Museum

Hello everyone,

Between my interviews and trips for my project, I've had a good amount of time to explore some of Stockholm's other sights. I also have enjoyed quite a few nice afternoons in cafes and parks around the city. One place which I really liked was the Nobel Museum. It is situated in the old part of the city, Galma Stan, right in front of a beautiful plaza. Also in the plaza are the two oldest buildings in Stockholm.

The Nobel Museum

Oldest buildings in Stockholm

I had seen an advertisement on the metro for the Nobel Museum which said that on Tuesday and Friday evenings in the summer, admission to the museum is free. Who can say no to a free museum? So I checked it out one Tuesday, and it was fantastic.

I learned all about the newest Nobel winners as well as the history of the Nobel Prizes. Above these exhibits was this cool track on which small posters moved. Each poster had a picture and information on a laureate. Seeing all of those posters lined up is a great visual representation of how many people have won these prestigious prizes.

Laureates on track on ceiling

Line of laureates waiting to go around track

In the back of the museum was a temporary exhibition, where a photographer asked various winners to draw their winning project/concept on a poster with crayons. The photographer then took pictures of the laureates holding their artwork. It was really fun to see how they visualized their concepts, most with child-like sketches which were a stark contrast to their complex ideas.

The cafe in the museum has famous chairs, since laureates who visit the museum are asked to sign the bottom of a chair. Since I got into the museum for free, I decided to splurge and eat dinner there, sitting on a chair signed by so many impressive people.

The bottom of a chair

The chair I sat on when eating dinner

Overall, this was a really interesting museum and I learned a lot about the Nobel Prizes and laureates.


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