Thursday, August 30, 2012

Goodbye, Stockholm

Hello everyone,

It's time to say goodbye to Sweden. I've been here for almost two months, which means that tomorrow morning I am off to Egypt! I completely understand why one of the Knafel Traveling Fellowship's rules is that the fellow must move at least every 2 months. After spending July and August here, I'm feeling really comfortable in Stockholm. I have befriended some of my hall-mates. I've gotten the hang of cooking for myself. I know the public transportation system really well. It makes sense that now I should move on. The idea for this year is for me to push my comfort zone and challenge myself. Which means I need to start fresh six times. Also, I have learned a whole lot about underwater heritage in Sweden, and I think it is time to explore the underwater heritage of another country.

I am both excited and nervous to travel to Egypt. The scuba diving looks amazing, and I cannot wait to dive in Alexandria. I also plan on exploring some wreck dives in the Red Sea, as they are also an integral part of the country's underwater heritage. I've been interested in ancient Egypt since sixth grade, and I've wanted to travel to Egypt for years. Because of this, I am beyond excited for the next two months. However, I can't help but feel nervous as I scribble down the directions to the airport, my flight information, my housing details, and the exchange rate of US Dollar to Egyptian Pound. I did not really experience any culture shock here in Sweden. I have a feeling it will be a little more difficult to adjust in Egypt. I also know that the next few days will be a hassle, with me lugging my bags to the airport, flying to Cairo, and then finally taking the train from Cairo to Alexandria and settling into my new housing. It doesn't help that it is 1:30am and I have to get up early tomorrow morning. But no matter the stress of moving from one location to a completely new one, the excitement definitely outweighs the nerves. I mean, I'm going to Egypt. And I just spent two months in Sweden. How cool is that?

I still am amazed at how wonderful my contacts were in Sweden. People were so friendly and helpful, and I learned much more than I expected. I hope that I find the next five countries as enriching as Sweden in my year-long exploration of underwater heritage.

Before I finally go to bed, I should note: Some people have told me they are having issues posting comments on my blog. I recently checked the settings, and now it's available for open commenting. So comment away! Also, I believe I'll have limited internet access in Egypt. I will do my best to keep updating this blog and to check my email accounts and Facebook. But I might not respond to people as promptly as usual, and I might get behind on my blog. Which happened here, too, even when I had perfect internet access. But I caught up, and that's the important part.

Goodbye Sweden, hello Egypt, and good night to you all.


1 comment:

  1. First comment, woot woot! Thinking of you soso much and sending you all my love, keep seizing the day/world/Egypt! Our Newsboys would be so proud.
