Monday, October 8, 2012

Hello from Egypt!

Hello everyone,

I realize I have not posted in a long time on here. Sorry for the delay!

I was in Alexandria all September, and I didn't have a strong enough internet connection to post blog entries with pictures. Now I am in Sharm El Sheikh, and hopefully I'll be able to catch up on my blog posts in the next few weeks! I have a lot to write; I had a great time in Alexandria learning about the submerged ruins in the harbor. Alexandria is a fascinating city and I loved living there and exploring the area.

I'm now learning about some wrecks in the Red Sea. I am thoroughly enjoying diving here--this is probably the best place I've ever gone scuba diving.

Once again, I'm sorry that I haven't been updating everyone regularly with this blog. But keep checking back in the next few weeks and you'll be able to hear all about my adventures in Egypt so far!
